Introducing the Monthly CEVO Newsletter
CEVO Adds Call of Duty 2 - Register Now!
Aim2Game Special: 10% Discount On All Orders
ESC (E-Sports Chat): Interview with Aci "T3rRoar" Dixit
Article - "Get Ready, It's Far From Over"
Introducing the Monthly CEVO Newsletter
We're starting off the New Year with a brand new content feature, the Monthly CEVO Newsletter. This mailing package will keep you up-to-date with CEVO announcements, exclusive interviews, E-sports articles, commentaries, and special promotions from our sponsors and partners. This is one of our goals this year to provide you, the community, with more of the media and content you've been asking for and to work further towards the advancement of E-sports into the mainstream.
As always, we would love to hear your feedback on this newsletter. If you have comments, feature ideas, special promotions, would like to be interviewed, or would like to submit an article of your own, simply reply to this e-mail. All responses are greatly appreciated and we look forward to working with all of you.
CEVO Adds Call of Duty 2 - Register Now!
A lot of people have been asking us where CEVO would be expanding to after Source and we asked you through our site poll, "Which game would you like to see CEVO support next?" You have spoken loud and clear in favor of Call of Duty 2, and so here it is!
Compete as Axis or Allies in this award winning and graphically astounding World War II � First Person Shooter by Infinity Ward. Our first season of Call of Duty 2 will feature Search & Destroy Mode for $5,000 in cash prizes! But you get more than just the game. You'll have access to the widely known best customer-support of all leagues in E-sports as well as our specially developed cheat detection software known as the CEVO Match Network (CMN).
Registration opens on January 2nd 2006 at a cost of $15 per player. Registration will close on January 22nd and pre-season matches will start on January 26th.
To register, go to cevolved.com. If you have any questions or require any assistance, do not hesitate to contact our friendly support staff on IRC.Gamesurge.Net in #cevo-support or through Ventrilo support at port: 1337.
Aim2Game Special: 10% Discount on All Orders!
Have you been thinking of getting a gaming server for your team's practices or matches? Having a server, especially a high-performance server, like those provided by Aim2Game (www.aim2game.com), is a crucial step towards preparing and executing your team's potential. Well you've waited long enough, and rightfully so, because we've contacted our friends at Aim2Game to provide all our readers with a special promotion. For a limited time, on any Aim2Game order, simply type the code:
cevopromo in the coupon field on the second page of the order wizard and you'll instantly receive a 10% discount! This discount applies to all of Aim2Game's services. It seems that the holiday savings have lasted a little longer this year. To order, simply go to www.aim2game.com.
ESC (E-Sports Chat): Interview with Avi "T3rRoar" Dixit
In each edition of this newsletter E-Sports Chat will feature an in-depth interview with an influential figure in the gaming community. This month, Avi "t3rroar" Dixit escapes from the unknown with revelation into his projects and his plans since the sale of his multi-gaming clan TGS - The Terroarized Gaming Syndicate.
Read the Interview
Article - "Get Ready, It's Far From Over"
Confidence going into a match is a strength, but over-confidence is a severe weakness. In this article by CEVO|DeShong, he reminds us to stay focused, even if the pace is strongly in our favor. We've all seen the dominating first half, followed by a humiliating second half defeat. Remove over-confidence from your game and you may win more matches.
Read the Full Article
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